Tushar Karmakar
Tushar Karmakar
Graduate Student
Aniketh Sivakumar
Aniketh Sivakumar
Graduate Student
Lázaro Martínez Aguiar
Lázaro Martínez Aguiar
Graduate Student
Emily Gamundi
Emily Gamundi
Professor of Practice
Alessandra Costantini
Alessandra Costantini
Professor of Practice
Karen Sacanamboy
Karen Sacanamboy
Graduate Student
Paul Alsing
Paul Alsing
Adjunct Professor, Physics and Engineering Physics
Education & Affiliations
Recent Publications
Velencia Witherspoon
526 Lindy Boggs Center
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
Courses Taught
BMEN 6840: Medical Imaging Physics
Education & Affiliations
Research Interests
1. Fabrication and materials characterization of model synthetic biomimetic systems embodying magnetic resonant, compositional, and structural features of the connective tissue ECM
2. Application and Optimization of Multidimensional (MD) MRI Spectroscopy for quantification of observables in ex-vivo animal tissue models.
3. Innovate and optimize LF instrument design for in-vivo preclinical studies of MSK connective tissue employing homogenous and inhomogeneous LF magnets paired with customized RF coil.
Jamiat Nanteza
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Blessey Hall 101A
New Orleans, LA 70118
Courses Taught
EENS-4180/6180– Introduction to Remote sensing
EENS 1110 – Planet Earth
EENS 4300 – Groundwater Hydrology
Education & Affiliations
Dr. Nanteza's research interests include Hydrology, The Water cycle in a changing climate, GRACE satellites, Land surface modelling, Groundwater sustainability, Drought, Water security and community adaptation, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Recent Publications
Thomas, B. F., & Nanteza, J. (2023). Global assessment of the sensitivity of water storage to hydroclimatic variations. Science of The Total Environment, 879, 162958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162958
Nanteza J., Thomas B., Kisembe J., Nakabugo R., Mukwaya P.I., Rodell M (2022). A Google Earth-GIS based approach to examine the potential of the current rainwater harvesting practices to meet water demands in Mityana district, Uganda. PLOS Water 1(11): e0000045. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pwat.0000045
Hu, K. X., Awange, J. L., Kuhn, M., & Nanteza, J. (2021). Inference of the spatio-temporal variability and storage potential of groundwater in data-deficient regions through groundwater models and inversion of impact factors on groundwater, as exemplified by the Lake Victoria Basin. Science of The Total Environment, 800, 149355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149355
Li,B., Rodell M.,, Kumar S.,, Beaudoing H.K.,, Getirana A., Zaitchik F. B., de Goncalves G. L., Cossetin C., Bhanja S., Mukherjee A., Tian S., Tangdamrongsub N., Long D., Nanteza J., Lee J., Policelli F., Goni B. I., Daira D., Bila M., de Lannoy G., Mocko D., Steele-Dunne C. S., Save H., Bettadpur S (2019). Global GRACE data assimilation for groundwater and drought monitoring: advances and challenges. Water Resources Research, 55(9), 7564-7586. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR024618
Thomas, B. F., Caineta, J., & Nanteza, J. (2017). Global assessment of groundwater sustainability based on storage anomalies. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(22), 11-445. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076005
Nanteza, J., de Linage, C. R., Thomas, B. F., & Famiglietti, J. S (2016). Monitoring groundwater storage changes in complex basement aquifers: An evaluation of the GRACE satellites over East Africa. Water Resources Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016WR018846